Update from Local Eastcotts Councillor Sarah Holland

- New Cardington Residents Meeting
Cllr Holland will be attending a New Cardington Residents Meeting on Monday 19th January, from 6pm-7pm in the Shorts Building. If you live in the area, please do come along.
- Ward Fund Donation to Air Cadets
Cllr Sarah Holland has donated £600 of her ward fund to the Air Cadets to help them to purchase two laptops.
The laptops will be widely used by all the cadets in the Squadron, allowing more cadets to progress through their academic syllabus as most academic training and examinations with the Air Cadet Organisation are now carried out electronically. As well as the traditional Air Cadet qualifications, this will be especially important when the cadets undertake their BTEC in Aviation Studies- a widely recognised qualification.
- Work Completed in Cotton End
After meeting with residents of Cotton End to discuss where the Jubilee Bench would be re-sited, a new location was agreed- at the far end of the field. This work has now been completed.