Upgraded Charter Market a boost to local traders

Thanks to £60,000 in funding from the Town Centre Priority Fund, Bedford Borough's Charter Market stalls has seen a recent, specialist upgrade with new awnings and a refreshed look.
Councillor Henry Vann, the Portfolio Holder for Town Centres and Planning, said, "It is great to see this investment come to fruition, with the market stalls receiving new metalwork and new canvas covers which look fantastic. It is great to see this further investment in our Town Centre and I'd urge everyone to head down on Wednesday and Saturday to our fabulous markets and to our rich programme of specialist markets and events."
Elected Mayor, Dave Hodgson added "With the work now complete, the stalls in our market square are visually so much better and, most importantly, drier for our traders. The last two and a half years have been extremely challenging for our town centre and market traders and the impacts of the pandemic have been far-reaching. That's why I urge everyone to come out and support our local traders.Our markets add so much to our towns. From Bedford Charter Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Kempston market on Thursdays, or other specialist markets, there is something for everyone."
For more information about Bedford Borough Markets, visit https://www.bedford.gov.uk/business/markets/