UpRising Leadership Programme - Free professional development course for 18-25 year olds

- Are you interested in socio-political issues?
- Would you like to learn how to affect change in your local community?
- Have you ever felt like your ethnicity, sexuality, class or gender has created a barrier to your success?
UpRising are currently accepting applications for their 2022 Bedfordshire Leadership Programme. The programme will begin on 26 February and run until July, with sessions mostly scheduled for Thursday evenings. During this time, you will learn about and develop your own leadership style, meet local stakeholders, be supported in finding your voice and work as part of a group to run a campaign on an issue you care about. The course is designed to fit alongside work or study commitments.
The programme is completely free and is mostly delivered online, although they hope to hold some in-person events, Covid permitting.
To apply, you must be aged 18 - 25 and live, work or study in Bedford Borough.
The application process is quick and easy and the UpRising team can support you if needed.
For more information, visit www.uprising.org.uk/what-we-do/our-programmes/leadership-programme.