Urgent Action Demanded over Scandal of BPHA's Burnt-Out Garages in Brickhill

Liberal Democrats are calling Bedford Pilgrims Housing Association to account over their failure to maintain garages in Brickhill. Local residents have complained that some of the garages are an extreme safety hazard with dangerous roof structures and burned out cars. Residents have also complained of the garages being used for rough sleeping and drug taking, with fires being lit in the abandoned garages next to their homes.
Commenting, Liberal Democrat Groups Leader Dave Hodgson said: "It is difficult to believe that BPHA could be so negligent that a part of Brickhill now resembles Beirut. Burnt-out garages are being used for rough sleeping and there is a stench of human excrement and signs of drug paraphernalia. Liberal Democrats will always fight for our communities and this standard of service by BPHA is completely unacceptable, I demand instant action."
Liberal Democrat Councillors first reported the condition of garages to BPHA in March 2009 and since then no action whatsoever has been taken to make the garages safe for residents. Liberal Democrat Councillor for Brickhill Charles Royden said: "Residents are terrified for their safety with the activity which is taking place next to their homes. I have pleaded with managers at BPHA to get something done and they seem completely incapable of action. We will not stand by and watch BPHA treat residents with such contempt, we will hold them to account."