'Very Welcome News' - Bedford Hospital Set to Relax Restrictions on Birth Partners' Attendance

Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have welcomed the news that Bedford Hospital expects to make an announcement imminently that birth partners will be able to attend the hospital throughout labour, and not just during established labour as is the case currently.
The expected relaxation of the restriction on birth partners attending before established labour was signalled by the hospital's Head of Nursing during Monday night's Bedford Borough Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committe meeting, and Liberal Democrat Committee Member Cllr Hilde Hendrickx has welcomed the news.
She said: "This is very good news indeed. The hospital obviously has to assess the risks and make changes when it is safe to do so, and we were assured by the hospital's Head of Nursing that the policies are under constant review.'
"In addition to the very welcome news about birth partners being allowed to attend throughout labour, it was encouraging to hear her comments about assessing these changes with a view to also relaxing restrictions for post-natal appointments when they consider it is safe to do so."