Village Tour - My Thanks to All Who Came Out to Talk

The Village Tour 2012, or '60 in 30,' is now over, and I want to thank everyone who came out to speak to me at the 60 mobile surgeries across 60 villages in September's 30 days. The fact that so many residents talked to me to share their views on the important matters for our communities was very much appreciated, as was the welcome I received. A variety of weather conditions were experienced, and I am particularly grateful to those who braved wet and windy evenings or sweltering afternoons (we had both of these extremes, and plenty in between!) in the cause of taking the opportunity to talk to me directly while I was in the neighbourhood.
Over 300 people came out to talk to me, and I am getting through the queries raised and the casework which came up. So please bear with me as I work through them!