Vote Jas Parmar for a fairer and safer Bedfordshire to live and work in.

Tomorrow, Thursday May 6th, is polling day, and Jas Parmar is asking for your support as your new Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire.
Jas has the experience, the knowledge and the right priorities for a fairer and safer Bedfordshire.
He has worked in Kempston for the past 20 years as the local Postmaster, and is a former Borough Councillor.
If elected as your Police and Crime Commissioner on Thursday 6th May, Jas will:
- Provide visible community policing to tackle the menace of anti-social behaviour and speeding.
- Adopt a multi agency approach to tackle violent & youth crime and the causes of crime.
- Support victims of crimes and the Police in delivering safer neighbourhoods.
- Fight for fairer funding for our Police to fight crime in urban and rural Bedfordshire
Vote for your local and experienced candidate for a fairer and safer Bedfordshire to live and work in.
You can read more from Jas on his Facebook page here, while you can also sign his petition for Fair Funding for our Police here.
Once you've voted on the day, or if you've already voted by post, you can let us know at