Walk In Pfizer Vaccinations for all aged 18 and over this Saturday

First doses of the Pfizer vaccine are available to all Bedford Borough residents aged 18 and over, with no need to book this Saturday from 1pm to 7pm at the Guru Nanak Temple, 84 Ford End Road, Queens Park Bedford MK40 4JX.
Bedford Borough has one of the highest rates of infection in the country. Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect each other and stop the virus spreading.
Bedford Borough Council, working with Bedford On Call 'BEDOC', is urging anyone aged 18 and over not currently vaccinated to come along to protect themselves, their families and their community.
To make it easier for people to get vaccinated the trained staff at the Guru Nanak Temple will be offering the vaccination to everyone that turns up, enabling more people to access the vaccine.
Mayor Dave has recorded a new video which you can see on facebook here.
Mayor Dave said "There's really good news about vaccinations here in Bedford Borough. Anybody 18 or over can get a vaccination by making an appointment either by ringing 01234 718077 or by going online at https://www.bedford.gov.uk/social-care-health-and-community/public-health/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccination-programme/. This will allow you to make an appointment either at the Kings House on Ampthill Road or at the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Temple on Ford End Road. On top of that, on Saturday 12th between 1pm and 7pm, you can have a drop-in session at the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Temple on Ford End Road. You don't need an appointment you can just turn up on Saturday between 1pm and 7pm at the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Temple on Ford End Road. Please do try to bring your NHS number, it's not essential but it helps speed things up. Please make sure you get your vaccinations: your first one and if you're due for your second one - get your second one. Please help protect your family, your friends and our community. Thank you."