Weaving Narratives

A popular craft project linking stories to our past is set to return to Bedfordshire Archives.
The Weaving Narratives project invites people to use the archives as inspiration to create textile works. When the project was first run, four years ago, both amateur and professional textile artists successfully created an amazing range of pieces. With new archives added to the collections all the time the projects return has been welcomed.
The project is open to anyone interested in taking part. Participants will be offered an introduction to Archive Service, and the chance to take part in three workshops. Assisted by archive professionals, they will be given special access to original archive materials representing hundreds of years of Bedfordshire's history. The form and nature of each textile work will be entirely up to the participants, and works can be created by groups of participants if desired.
Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson said: "This project originally ran in 2016 when it brought both amateur and professional textile artists together to create pieces of work inspired by our archives. We're hoping it will prove just as popular now and create some fantastic work celebrating the history of our county."
The workshops will be held at the Archives, Riverside Building, Borough Hall, Bedford on Saturdays 7th March, 4th April and 13th June, from 10am to 12pm. Anyone wishing to take part should book a place either by emailing archive@bedford.gov.uk or telephoning 01234 228833. Places are limited and will be first come, first served. The workshops are free to attend, but participants will need to provide their own craft materials.