Welcoming a major new employer to the Borough

This week I met the CEO of bakers Lantmannen Unibake at Cambridge Road, to the South of Bedford, to turn the first sod at the site where they are building a brand new bakery. Up to 280 people will be employed at the site, with only six coming over from Lantmannen's existing bakery in Milton Keynes. In fact, Lantmannen had originally wanted to locate this new bakery in Milton Keynes, but after they were unable to secure planning permission at a particular site there, Bedford Borough Council moved quickly when we alerted to their interest in expanding and building a major new bakery.
We have worked closely with them, and will continue to do so as they prepare to be up and running by next spring they, with up to nearly 300 new jobs available.
The new plant will be a 'cold bakery,' where bread and pastry products will be processed up to the baking stage, at which point they are distributed to shops and supermarkets, including Tesco and other major stores, for on-site cooking.