What a Difference a Dave Makes! The Facts on Education
7 May 2015

Under Mayor Dave Hodgson Bedford Borough Council has invested in the Borough's future, with improved school buildings and facilities, extra capacity created to avert the primary places crisis seen elsewhere and rising school standards. Here are the facts:
- Ofsted's latest annual report ranks Bedford Borough as one of the top six places in the country for a child to attend lower or primary school, based on the proportion attending good or outstanding schools.
- Bedford Borough is top in the eastern region for the proportion of good or outstanding schools overall.
- Mayor Dave's plan to scrap all temporary classrooms across the borough is well underway, with a series of high-quality new permanent facilities already open.
- The scrapping of temporary classrooms is being carried out as part of Bedford Borough's first ever School Capital Investment Plan. This is a comprehensive, £48million plan to ensure high quality school buildings for children right across the Borough. - providing them with the facilities they deserve.
- Under Mayor Dave's leadership, careful planning and targeted investment has meant Bedford Borough has avoided the national primary school capacity crisis, and ensured a school place for every child. A new school has been built every year since 2011.
- Bedford Borough Council has continued to give positive reasons to schools to remain part of the local authority family of schools, supporting them to drive up standards.