What a Difference a Dave Makes! The Facts on Protecting Local Services

In the face of unprecedented reductions in the council's funding from government and massive financial pressures, Mayor Dave Hodgson has a striking record on saving local services in Bedford Borough, with no libraries, leisure centres or children's centres closed, with weekly collections protected and with bus services maintained and expanded. Here are the facts:
- While 337 libraries have closed nationally since 2010, all of Bedford Borough's libraries have been saved. Indeed, none of the Borough's libraries have even seen a reduction in opening hours. The mobile library serving rural areas has also been saved
- With more than two thirds of Councils now collecting general waste fortnightly, and households nationally waiting an average 12 days for a collection, Mayor Dave has saved the weekly black bin round for all households across Bedford Borough. Rather than imposing a 50% cut in collections, as seen elsewhere, Mayor Dave has instead made savings through reviewing collection routes and introducing new disposal arrangements which benefit both the environment and local taxpayers.
- Nationally, more than 2,000 bus routes have been cut since 2010. By contrast, in Bedford Borough, half a million more bus journeys were taken last year. New evening and Sunday services have been introduced in the urban area for the first time, while the national award-winning new rural bus network has seen an increase in bus users and contrasts sharply with widespread cuts to rural services in many other areas.
- In the face of growing pressures and reducing government funding, £81 million of savings have been required since 2010 in order to balance the books. Mayor Dave has targeted these savings in Borough Hall, not out in the community where key services are provided. He has been cutting costs, not services. For example:
- A radical streamlining of senior management posts, saving over £3 million for taxpayers every year.
- £1.4 million has been saved on office costs every year, by making more efficient use of Council property.
- No more free meals for Councillors before council meetings.
- No more free refreshments for internal council meetings for Councillors and council staff.
- No more bottled water for council meetings!