Wootton Lower School Extension Site Underway as Bedford Borough Averts National Places Crisis

In the week in which the extent of the national crisis in primary school capacity was revealed, the ceremony took place to mark the start of work on other school building project in Bedford Borough. A brand new extension site of Wootton Lower School is being constructed off Fields Road, in Wootton, and will cater for the housing growth caused by the new development there.
The new build serves is another example of the targeted investment and strategic planning which has enabled Bedford Borough Council to avoid a shortage of lower and primary school places, despite a growing population.
Mayor Dave Hodgson joined Wootton Lower School pupils and teachers to look at the site and talk about the new building, and to formally mark the start of construction works.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The Council, Parish Council, and School have worked together to develop a scheme which Wootton can be proud of. This will be a high quality facility which will enable a first class education to be delivered for children in this growing community long into the future."
in addition ion to the works to deliver new capacity, under Mayor Dave Hodgson the Council is investing in existing school sites through its first ever schools investment plan, which includes the replacement of all temporary classrooms with high quality permanent facilities.
The new Wootton Lower school building will be completed in July 2015, with the extension site opening in September.