Works Starting on New Fitness Area at Mill Meadows

This week, Bedford Borough Council is starting works on the development of a new fitness area at Mill Meadows, as part of the £1.5m Riverside for All project.
The fitness area is being built near to the White Water Arena, and will be equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment to help park users to keep healthy. The equipment will include fitness steps and a cross-training unit that features suspension training, magnetic bells and parallel bars.
The equipment will also have a rubber bonded mulch surface, which will allow for good accessibility and reduce the risk of injuries.
The Riverside for All project is an important initiative for Bedford Borough Council, and the Council are committed to investing in facilities that enhance the health and wellbeing of residents.
We hope that the new fitness area will encourage more people to get active and enjoy the outdoors.
The launch of the new fitness area at Mill Meadows is just one example of the ongoing commitment of Bedford Borough Council to provide high-quality facilities and services to its residents.
The works are scheduled to start this week and are expected to be completed by early to mid-May 2023.