World's Biggest Coffee Morning Events Across Bedford Borough

Today is the day of Macmillan Cancer Support's World's Biggest Coffee Morning, and events to raise money for the charity have been taking place across Bedford Borough today and throughout the week.
Mayor Dave Hodgson visited Kempston Post Office's Macmillan Coffee Morning event earlier this week, and he commented on his Facebook page:
"Macmillan Cancer Support is once again holding the world's biggest coffee morning to raise money for its excellent work in supporting people with cancer. It was great to chat with everyone at Kempston Post Office this morning over coffee and cake for this great cause this morning.'
"Look out for the World's Biggest Coffee Morning events taking place around Bedford Borough through the week, all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and its work on behalf of those with cancer."
You can see some more photos from the event on Mayor Dave's Facebook page here.