Wow, what a (long) Platinum Jubilee weekend!

Bedford Borough did Her Majesty the Queen proud with so many events celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.
I hope everyone was able to attend, and enjoy, some of the many events that took place.
We started the weekend before with a lovely Thanksgiving Service for the Queen at St Paul's Church in Bedford. A number of other Thanksgiving Services were held across the Borough.
We, of course, flew the Union Flags at Borough Hall and The Old Town Hall. Bedford BID put bunting up in Bedford town centre and ran a Shop Window competition and a number of Parishes decorated their villages, as did residents.
Last Thursday evening Beacons were lit across the Borough and the country. Thank you to everyone involved on putting these events on safely.
The Higgins Bedford and all of the Borough's libraries held craft events and other activities for children to take part in. I even joined in and made a crown!
There was a special Makers Market on the aptly named Queen's Walk near Riverside Square.
We had over 70 Street Parties across the Borough - again thank you to everyone who helped organise these. We also had a special Jubilee afternoon tea party for some of the Borough's looked after children, thank you to Bedford Town FC for hosting.
There was such a wide diversity of events from a Duck Race in Bromham (where my duck made a top ten finish!) to parades and community parties and events there was something for everyone.
Also as part of the Jubilee celebrations two local organisations have been awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the equivalent of an MBE for voluntary organisations. Congratulations to both Bedfordshire Open Door and the John Bunyan Boat for this well deserved achievement.