Your vote matters - look out for a voter registration form

To ensure that everyone who has a right to vote is on the Electoral Register, Bedford Borough Council is required by law to carry out an 'Annual Canvass' which has now started across the Borough.
The Government has changed the process so that the Council is able to use information already held to confirm voter registration details. In many cases, this means that households will be contacted by post confirming their details are correct and they do not need to take any further action. However if you do have changes in your household that the Council is not aware of please email
If the Council hasn't been able to confirm voter registration details for a household, you will receive a form asking you to confirm these details.
If you receive one of these forms, please check the details for your household and follow the instructions on the form to respond by text, online, phone or email.
If required to, please respond by Monday 10th August. If no response is received from a household where details are not confirmed, the Council is legally required to send up to three reminders. This is a cost to not only the Council but also the environment so please respond as soon as you can.
Philip Simpkins, Chief Executive of Bedford Borough Council "Your right to vote is fundamental, and it's really important to make sure you are registered. If you are asked to respond please do, to make sure you are registered to vote. It not only means you will have the right to have your say, but it can also help your credit score. Please keep an eye out for these communications from us."
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