East West Rail update
Mayor Dave Hodgson has written a update on East West Rail for Bedford Bulletin and Kempston Calling, you can read the article here or below:
Mayor Dave Hodgson has written a update on East West Rail for Bedford Bulletin and Kempston Calling, you can read the article here or below:
The Government has announced face coverings should be worn in classrooms in secondary schools, in England, from Tuesday 4th January to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant. You can read the full guideance here.
The latest weekly Coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
The Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Fund has opened for application for village halls across England to apply for grants to improve and modernise their facilities,
The Queen's New Year's Honours List for 2022 has been announced and includes five recipients from Bedford Borough. Congratulationsto all the recipients.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has record a Happy New Year message video, which you can see here. In the message Mayor Dave said: "I'd like to wish everyone across Bedfordshire a Happy New Year. The last couple of years have been touch for all of us, as we battled through the challenges of the pandemic. I hope that 2022 will be a happy and safe year for everyone, and things begin to get back to normal. Happy New Year."