Council urges residents not to ignore rent arrears
Bedford Borough Council is urging residents not to ignore notices from their landlords or the Court about rent arrears.
Bedford Borough Council is urging residents not to ignore notices from their landlords or the Court about rent arrears.
Works are set to start on Monday 28 June at the 'Northern Gateway' of Bedford, to ease congestion in this busy area and make the roads safer for all road users, as part of the Transporting Bedford project.
Vaccination is key to tackling the spread of COVID-19, and Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a new video promoting the drop-in vaccination sessions available locally.
This Saturday, 26 June, anyone 18 and over in Bedford Borough can drop-in to the Harpur Suite, Bedford for their Pfizer vaccination, without the need to book an appointment or show ID.
This Saturday, 26 June, anyone over 18 in Bedford Borough can drop-in to the Harpur Suite, Bedford for their Pfizer vaccination, without the need to book an appointment or show ID.
Bedford Borough Council have launched a survey to help them understand what local residents think about the tennis courts in the borough's parks and open spaces and what would encourage them to use the courts more regularly in the future.