Fix your Bike Voucher Scheme
The Fix your Bike Voucher Scheme allows members of the public to receive a voucher worth up to £50 towards the cost of repairing a bicycle.
The Fix your Bike Voucher Scheme allows members of the public to receive a voucher worth up to £50 towards the cost of repairing a bicycle.
The Workplace Public Health team across Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire has launched a survey to find out the impact coronavirus is having on people's health and wellbeing and to understand how they can support them during this time.
This Summer children can take part take part in the Silly Squad Reading Challenge with Bedford Borough Libraries online.
Fusion Lifestyle and Bedford Borough Council have been following national guidance regarding the safe reopening of leisure facilities within the Borough during COVID-19.
Mayor Dave Hodgson and Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have launched an online survey to look at how the Council, the NHS, carers and the Government have dealt with the Coronavirus pandemic so far. Please fill in the survey at https://bedfordlibdems.org.uk/Covid.
With coronavirus present in our community, Bedford Borough Council is reminding local residents to contact the Council remotely if they can.