A Bumper Year at The Higgins Bedford
In 2016 The Higgins Bedford welcomed over 42,500 visitors, representing a 24% increase on the previous year and making it the museum's busiest calendar year ever.
In 2016 The Higgins Bedford welcomed over 42,500 visitors, representing a 24% increase on the previous year and making it the museum's busiest calendar year ever.
Bedford i-lab, operated by Bedford Borough Council, has welcomed a number of new businesses, taking occupancy to record post-recession levels of over 90%.
This New Year Bedford i-lab, based in the successful Priory Business Park, is pleased to welcome a number of new businesses, taking occupancy to record levels post-recession at over 90%.
The 'Townscape Heritage Initiative' (THI) regeneration project for Bedford High Street has formally come to a close, having achieved tremendous success in transforming a series of properties via the restoration of their heritage and historic features and comprehensive refurbishment.
There was a celebratory event this month to mark the completion of the 'Townscape Heritage Initiative' (THI) Project. The project launched in September 2011 with an aim to offer grants to improve traditional properties that were either derelict, in poor repair and/or vacant.