Mayor Dave Helps Mark Opening of New Bedford Dental Practice
Mayor Dave Hodgson helped Bedford House Dental Practice mark its opening recently at its new Bedford High Street premises.
Mayor Dave Hodgson helped Bedford House Dental Practice mark its opening recently at its new Bedford High Street premises.
Mayor Dave Hodgson lent a hand as the first sod was cut to mark the start of work that will create two new schools at a site in Green Lane, Wixams.
Mayor Dave Hodgson lent a hand as the first sod was cut to mark the start of work that will create two new schools at a site in Green Lane, Wixams.
Ward Wide Issues:
Mayor Dave Hodgson has slammed the 'scandal' of 'chronic underfunding by the Government of local health and social care services in Bedford'. The effects of this include not only the ongoing extreme pressure on Council services at a time of rising need, but also the consideration by local NHS Commissioners of drastic measures such as the deferred proposal to end all IVF treatment on the NHS in Bedfordshire.
Over 14,000 local residents have already have signed up to Bedford Borough Council's Stay Connected email bulletins since they were introdced earlier this year.