Work starts to convert former landfill site into green energy park
A former landfill site is being transformed into a green energy innovation park - with work now underway at Elstow in Bedfordshire.
A former landfill site is being transformed into a green energy innovation park - with work now underway at Elstow in Bedfordshire.
Bedford Borough Council wants to hear your views on local bus services.
Starting next week, major improvements works will begin on Ampthill Road to reduce congestion and improve road safety.
Bedford Borough Council and partners are raising awareness of the support and advice on offer to residents with a disability who want to get into work.
Last week Mayor Dave Hodgson met with Chris Stelling, the CEO of Carers in Bedfordshire, in a socially distanced way, to discuss the important role carers play in Bedford Borough Mayor Dave Hodgson said "It was good to be able to meet Carers in Bedfordshire, in a socially distanced way. I thanked them for all they have done to support Carers throughout the pandemic and before." You can find out about the support Carers in Bedforshire offer carers who care for a family member friend who couldn't cope without them at www.carersinbeds.org.uk
With Government figures showing that Bedford Borough has the third highest Coronavirus rate in the country, with 128 cases per 100,000 people in the population, surge testing is being rolled out to selected areas of Bedford Borough.