Bedford Borough Flies the Flag for LGBT History Month
February is LGBT History Month, and Bedford Borough Council flew the rainbow flag at Borough Hall to mark the start of the month, pictured here.
February is LGBT History Month, and Bedford Borough Council flew the rainbow flag at Borough Hall to mark the start of the month, pictured here.
In a recent column for the Bedford Borough Bulletin, Mayor Dave Hodgson wrote about the decision to commit Bedford Borough Council to becoming council's commitment to becoming a single-use plastics free council by the end of 2020.
Doing a lot doesn't necessarily mean you're doing enough. That's why I announced at a meeting of the Council's Executive this week that we've asked council officers to start work on what further measures we can take to both cut the Council's carbon emissions even further and what actions we could take to help Bedford Borough become carbon neutral.
Highways England has today announced the preferred route of the new dual carriageway between the Black Cat Roundabout and Caxton Gibbet and the preferred new configuration of the Black Cat roundabout, and Mayor Dave Hodgson has responded by calling on the agency and on the Government to ensure there are no further delays for this crucial project. Today's announcement comes two years after the public consultation on the options for the remodelled junction and new section of road, while the 2021/22 start date for the project has already been subject to what Mayor Dave has described as an 'appalling' two-year delay.
Works are underway on the installation of parking enforcement cameras outside schools across Bedford Borough, with cameras going in at all schools where this enforcement against dangerous and unlawful parking is possible. This major expansion in the number of fixed enforcement cameras will see another 38 installed at all schools where feasible.
The new Lidl store on Goldington Road in Bedford is now open, and Mayor Dave Hodgson was on hand to cut the ribbon at the official opening this week.