Sport and exercise update
The government have now relaxed the guidelines realting to sport and exercise, this has resulted in Bedford Borough Council and Fusion reopening some facilities.
The government have now relaxed the guidelines realting to sport and exercise, this has resulted in Bedford Borough Council and Fusion reopening some facilities.
Network Rail has now opened the footpath on the south side of the bridge for pedestrians, as well as temporarily opening half of one carriageway to cyclists.
Bedford Borough Council is encouraging people to be kind to others and to themselves as part of Mental Health Awareness Week with this year's theme of Kindness.
From tomorrow, Thursday 21 May, you will be able to dispose of more types of waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) on Barkers Lane.
If you have things that you no longer want, or need, that can be reused don't throw them away. Donate instead and give them a new life.
Mayor Dave's surgeries have gone online, with the next one taking place tomorrow (Tuesday 26th May) between 4pm-6pm.