Council promoting support for people with disabilities wanting to work
Bedford Borough Council and partners are raising awareness of the support and advice on offer to residents with a disability who want to get into work.
Bedford Borough Council and partners are raising awareness of the support and advice on offer to residents with a disability who want to get into work.
Last week Mayor Dave Hodgson met with Chris Stelling, the CEO of Carers in Bedfordshire, in a socially distanced way, to discuss the important role carers play in Bedford Borough Mayor Dave Hodgson said "It was good to be able to meet Carers in Bedfordshire, in a socially distanced way. I thanked them for all they have done to support Carers throughout the pandemic and before." You can find out about the support Carers in Bedforshire offer carers who care for a family member friend who couldn't cope without them at www.carersinbeds.org.uk
A former landfill site is being transformed into a green energy innovation park - with work now underway at Elstow in Bedfordshire.
Bedford Borough Council has been awarded an £80,000 grant from Historic England as part of the Bedford High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) Cultural Programme, which is being delivered by the HAZ Cultural Consortium and supported by Bedford BID and SEMLEP.
With Government figures showing that Bedford Borough has the third highest Coronavirus rate in the country, with 128 cases per 100,000 people in the population, surge testing is being rolled out to selected areas of Bedford Borough.
The NHS Clinical Commissioning Group are encouraging residents who had their first AstraZeneca vaccination 8 weeks or more ago to get their second AstraZeneca vaccination this Sunday (23 May). The drop-in sessions are being offered at three large vaccination centres including Bedford Heights. There is no need to book and the public can attend without the need for an appointment - all helping to make it easier to get protected against Coronavirus. The sessions have been set aside for those who have already had their first AstraZeneca vaccination, and can only be given to those who have waited a minimum of eight weeks from their first dose. It is important to bring along the vaccination card which will have been given at the first appointment. Anyone who is 40 or over or eligible to be vaccinated for another reason should ideally bring their NHS number with them to their appointment. Those people who already have a booked appointment at a vaccination centre, GP-led site or pharmacy should still at