Measures to ease disruption on Northern Gateway
The Council is taking extra measures to help ease disruption caused by the recent works between the Clapham Road and Paula Radcliffe Way roundabouts.
The Council is taking extra measures to help ease disruption caused by the recent works between the Clapham Road and Paula Radcliffe Way roundabouts.
Bedford Homeless Partnership's new Tap to Donate machine, in The Arcade in Bedford, was officially opened earlier this week by Mayor Dave Hodgson.
We are celebrating Romania's National Day today by flying the Romanian Flag at Borough Hall.
Vicky Head, Director of Public Health at Bedford Borough Council said "A single Omicron case has now been confirmed in Bedford Borough. The case is linked to international travel, and rapid action from the local contact tracing team - working closely with the UK Health Security Agency - has ensured that close contacts were promptly identified and asked to self-isolate and test. It is likely that more Omicron cases will be confirmed in the coming days and Delta infections are also rising, so it is important that everyone takes sensible precautions - get your vaccines and booster as soon as you are eligible; wear a face covering in busy indoor areas including shops and public transport; get a PCR test if you have symptoms; isolate when asked; and continue to take regular rapid (LFD) tests if you have no symptoms."
Mayor Dave Hodgson joined Bedford Lions UK this evening to help raise funds for Sight Concern Bedfordshire.
On Friday, Mayor Dave Hodgson attended the Official Opening of the Tilia Homes new Regional Office for the Eastern Region at Priory Business Park.