Flood Alert in force: Low lying roads between Harrold and Oakley in Bedfordshire.
We have received another Flood Alert from the Environment Agency for low lying roads between Harrold and Oakley in Bedfordshire.
We have received another Flood Alert from the Environment Agency for low lying roads between Harrold and Oakley in Bedfordshire.
Radwell Bridge has been closed due to flooding.
From Thursday 30th December to Monday 10th January, there will be 8 Christmas tree recycling sites across the Borough where you can drop off your real Christmas tree, for it to be composted.
The Liberal Democrats have set out an emergency five-point plan to tackle the growing ambulance waiting time crisis.
Mayor Dave has thanked local residents in his Christmas message in his weekly email, the text of which is below:
Mayor Dave Hodgson has record a Happy New Year message video, which you can see here. In the message Mayor Dave said: "I'd like to wish everyone across Bedfordshire a Happy New Year. The last couple of years have been touch for all of us, as we battled through the challenges of the pandemic. I hope that 2022 will be a happy and safe year for everyone, and things begin to get back to normal. Happy New Year."