Science Lab returns to The Higgins Bedford
Science Lab, the popular celebration of British Science Week returns to The Higgins Bedford on Saturday 12 March with free activities for families to enjoy.
Science Lab, the popular celebration of British Science Week returns to The Higgins Bedford on Saturday 12 March with free activities for families to enjoy.
Bedford Borough Council is delighted to announce that the River Festival will be back on 23 and 24 July 2022, following postponements due to COVID-19
On Thursday, Mayor Dave Hodgson attened a time capsule burial at The Place in Kempston.
The Council is preparing jointly with Central Bedfordshire Council and the Forest of Marston Vale. The document will be adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance.
Mayor Dave Hodgson's monthly column has been published on Bedford Independent, you can read it at https://www.bedfordindependent.co.uk/monthly-column-helping-ukraine/ or below:
Bedford Borough Council is urging residents to sign up to pay Council Tax by direct debit by 1 April 2022, as it will mean they can receive their £150 Council Tax rebate more quickly.