Putnoe Action File
News and action form Putnoe Liberal Democrats
Residents have requested parking restrictions at a number of junction locations where parked cars are causing problems for visibility. This includes ideas previously discussed (1-7) and new ones (8-14). As we get the draft plans from the council we will share them as downloadable pdf files below.
1) Haylands Way near Polhill Ave
2) Stancliffe Rd / Hartshill - not available yet
3) The Graylings / Queens Drive
4) Farnham Way / Tamworth Rd
5) Gilwell Close / Poplar Ave
6) Goodrich Ave / Caister Rd / Powis Rd
7) Powis Rd / Cawdor Close
8) Arundel Drive side roads - not available yet
9) Dover Crescent (east) bend - not available yet
10) Wentworth Drive / Dunster Gardens - not available yet
11) Leasway / Haylands Way - not available yet
12) Dunvegan Way / Putnoe Lane
13) Greenacres & Hartshill
14) Stancliffe Rd school zigzags - not available yet
Please email us your comments or ideas to: theteam@Putnoefocus.org.uk