Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Platinum Jubilee celebration
Mayor Dave Hodgson attended the Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Bedford for theri Platinum Jubilee celebration this afternoon.
Mayor Dave Hodgson attended the Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Bedford for theri Platinum Jubilee celebration this afternoon.
SpectaculArts are holding a Barbering Exhibition and Wellbeing Expo today in the Harpur Suite from 12-5pm. The event aims to be a safe space for those within Bedford and beyond to access mental health support they may not know was available to them. There will be a number of guest speakers, exercise classes and resources available.
It is not just The Queen that is celebrating a special Jubilee this week.
A great turnout for the Queen's Park Community Organisation Platinum Jubilee Parade this afternoon. Don't forget the Community Festival goes on until 6pm at QPC Orchard, The Slipe, Ford End Road.
Don't forget the Made in Bedford special Platinum Jubilee Makers Market will take place today at Queen's Walk between 10am and 3.30pm.
There is lots of fun to be had at The Higgins Bedford and Mayor Dave Hodgson popped along this afternoon to join in making crowns. There is another session on Saturday between 2-4pm - all free and no need to book!