16-17 year olds can now get their Coronavirus vaccination
16-17 year olds can now get their Coronavirus vaccination at one of Bedford Borough's drop-in clinics:
16-17 year olds can now get their Coronavirus vaccination at one of Bedford Borough's drop-in clinics:
For Great Big Green Week Bedford, Bedford Borough Council will be running FREE Balance Bike & Scooter training for pre-schoolers on both Tuesday 21st September and Thursday 23rd September.
The latest weekly coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
We are flying the national flag of India today at the Old Town Hall, to celebrate the anniversary of Pakistan's Independence.
We are flying the national flag of Pakistan today at the Old Town Hall, to celebrate the anniversary of Pakistan's Independence.
Bedford Railway station will be hosting a 'bra-bank' from Monday (16 August) to help raise money to fight breast cancer.