Thameslink to run more trains from 6 September.
Thameslink have announced they will run more trains during the week from 6 September.
Thameslink have announced they will run more trains during the week from 6 September.
Rogers Court, a landmark facility with 20 units of self-contained accommodation for those rough sleeping, or at risk of doing so, opens in Bedford Borough soon.
Mayor Dave Hodgson's latest email outlines the Council's postion on the Resettlement of Afghan nationals. Dave wrote:
This phase of the Local Plan consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 3 September. If you haven't already, the Council is reminding you to make sure you have your say.
Bedford Borough Council is making funding available to support local groups and organisations to help address Coronavirus vaccine inequalities and to encourage further take-up across all age and ethnic groups, geographical areas and vulnerable groups.
Below is an important message from Mohammad Yasin MP regarding the situation in Afghanistan: