Exciting Work at Bedford Bus Station!
The new Bedford Bus Station is moving closer to reality as progress continues on the multi-million pound regeneration of the gateway to Bedford town centre.
The new Bedford Bus Station is moving closer to reality as progress continues on the multi-million pound regeneration of the gateway to Bedford town centre.
Last Thursday, Mayor Dave Hodgson was BBC Radio 1's 'Mayor of Where', a feature on the station's drivetime show, presented by Greg James. The format of the feature sees a Mayor quizzed by newsreader Chris Smith in an attempt to identify the town, city or Borough led by the Mayor. Mayor Dave was invited by the BBC to take part on the day, and the live interview saw Dave answering a variety of questions including famous sons and daughters of the area and any foods for which it is welll known. As you would expect, the Bedfordshire clanger was discussed!
The world's best cyclists will race through the streets of Bedford on Thursday 8th May when The Women's Tour comes to the borough.
Mayor Dave Hodgson yesterday joined Bedfordshire resident and leading cyclist Helen Wyman, Women's Tour organiser Guy Elliott and sponsors University of Bedfordshire, the Harpur Trust and BedfordBID to officially unveil the race route through Bedford for the culmination of stage two of the inaugural Women's Tour Elite International Cycle Race in May.