Easter activities and the Street Iftar
It is a religious time of year with both Lent and Ramadan currently being observed and Good Friday and Easter Sunday fast approaching. Vaisakhi and Eid-al-Fitr will also be celebrated later this month.
It is a religious time of year with both Lent and Ramadan currently being observed and Good Friday and Easter Sunday fast approaching. Vaisakhi and Eid-al-Fitr will also be celebrated later this month.
Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson has paid tribute to volunteers who have been working with the council to improve footpaths and the rights of way network across Bedford Borough. The works have seen improved bridges, stiles, steps, handrails, and byways. Over the past several months, the Council has been working tirelessly to refurbish and replace 20 of the most important bridges, install new gates to replace old stiles, and clear the byways of any debris or obstructions.
Bedford Borough Council and the Bedford Town Deal Board have added a new date for residents to find out more about the upcoming Town Deal projects and the benefits that they will help bring to the local area.
The latest success in the Council's campaign against fly-tipping involved a man and a woman. In February, various items were found dumped by the bottle banks in Southfield Road, Kempston.
Open fires and wood-burning or multi-fuel stoves have risen in popularity over recent years. There are many benefits for users but burning at home contributes to a type of pollutant called fine particulate matter. This is present in smoke and the tiny particles can harm the health of people that breath it in.
Bedford Borough residents have until midnight on Monday 17 April to register to vote in the Mayoral and local elections in May.