Wootton Upper School debate
On Wednesday evening Wootton Upper School hosted a debate attended by all the candidates. My main message was that I want Bedford Borough to be a great place to live work and do business.
On Wednesday evening Wootton Upper School hosted a debate attended by all the candidates. My main message was that I want Bedford Borough to be a great place to live work and do business.
Liberal Democrat Dave Hodgson has been elected the new Mayor of Bedford at the Bedford Corn Exchange. Lib Dem Dave led the vote by just over 300 votes at the end of the 1st preference votes, and when second preference votes were redistributed, extended his majority to just over 2,000 votes over the Conservative candidate.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has reversed Council proposals, submitted back in 2008, for housing and commercial developments on a range of green spaces across Bedford Borough. The move means that important green spaces including the Bedford Athletic Rugby Ground on Wentworth Drive, Mile Road Allotments, Berry Farm in Wootton and Jackman's Farm in Brickhill have been saved from development.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has criticised the Government over the process which has resulted in Bedford Borough being forced to accept a requirement for Gypsy and Traveller pitches in the Borough which is two-and-a-half times the independently assessed need. Mayor Hodgson has attacked the arbitrary target, stating that it bears no relation to the needs of the Borough, its local neighbourhoods, or of Gypsies and Travellers
I will soon be embarking on a series of 'Pints in the Parishes' events to enable direct, ongoing contact with the Borough's rural residents in an informal setting. I have written to each of the Borough's Parish Councils asking them if they would like to nominate a local pub in their area which would be happy host the event in their parish.
What a thrill it was to welcome 6 world class Kenyan athletes to the Mayor's Parlour yesterday. Huge credit must go to Kenya Community Bedford and all those who have worked to make the prestigious visit happen. It was a great pleasure to meet them all and to thank them for coming to Bedford to take part in a full programme of events through the week for the benefit of the local community.