Saving Weekly Bin Collections in Defiance of National Shift to Fortnightly Systems
A widely-reported recent survey by the Press Association found that 59% of councils had scrapped weekly rubbish collections. The news that we're in a minority here in Bedford Borough may come as a surprise to some, but the retention of our weekly collections has been hard-won! You may recall that the Conservative Leadership of the former County Council tried to impose fortnightly collections on Bedford Borough households. I fought successfully alongside colleagues on the Borough Council to retain our weekly collections, and as Mayor, despite the financial pressures we have faced, I've found the savings to make sure we can save weekly collections. For example, instead of reducing the frequency of collections, we are reviewing the collection routes and will save over a quarter of a million pounds for local taxpayers by making them more efficient, with no impact on the level of service whatsoever. Meanwhile, our efforts to work with local residents to support them to recycle more has seen our recycling rate shoo