Still no response from the Secretary of State for Education
Mayor Dave Hodgson still has not had a response from the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson MP, regarding schools closures.
Mayor Dave Hodgson still has not had a response from the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson MP, regarding schools closures.
Before New Year the Government announced a delay of the return for all secondary schools in January, and for some primary schools in the south and east. Bedford Borough's primary schools were not included despite some areas with similar or lower number of cases being on the list, including nearby Milton Keynes which is also in our NHS Clinical Commissioning Group area.
Mayor Dave Hodgson, in his monthly column for the Bedford Indpendent has written about Coronavirus vaccinations.
The Government has announced a new National Lockdown.
In 2021, Bedford Borough Council will be carrying out works to refurbish St. Peter's Street Car Park as part of a larger investment in the Council's car parks. Works will focus on resurfacing the car park to remove potholes and replacing the current drainage system.
Before Christmas, Bedford Borough Council launched 'No To Hunger in Bedford Borough', a campaign to support access to food for those in need, so that every child in the borough will be well fed this winter.