LGBT+ History Month to kick off at The Higgins Bedford in February
February is LGBT+ History Month and The Higgins Bedford is holding a virtual evening of poetry, prose and personal recollections with LGBT+ Poet Laureate Trudy Howson.
February is LGBT+ History Month and The Higgins Bedford is holding a virtual evening of poetry, prose and personal recollections with LGBT+ Poet Laureate Trudy Howson.
With a national lockdown announced by the Government, and everyone being urged to stay at home to control the virus, protect the NHS and save lives, Lurke Street, River Street and Allhallows multi-storey car parks are now closed until further notice.
Bedford Borough has hit a new record high of Coronavirus cases, exceeding 1,000 per 100,000 for the first time.
A national lockdown is now in place with Coronavirus infections and hospital admissions rising dramatically across the country, and estimates showing that one in 50 people in private households had the virus last week.
Bedford Borough Council has received £291,000 from the Department of Transport following a successful bid to the Active Travel Fund.
Bedford Borough Council are consulting on their updated Housing Allocations Scheme, which sets out how they will prioritise applicants in need of social, affordable housing in accordance with the Housing Act (1996).