Bedford’s Embankment coming into bloom
With Spring starting to arrive in earnest, Bedford's Embankment is starting to come into bloom providing a beautiful seasonal spectacle down the river.
With Spring starting to arrive in earnest, Bedford's Embankment is starting to come into bloom providing a beautiful seasonal spectacle down the river.
Yesterday evening Councillor Headley and I met residents from the Poets area, some of whose homes will be severely affected by the East West Rail Company's proposals. I confirmed that we would continue to argue for a four track railway north of Bedford station that wouldn't need any homes demolished here. This has always been our view.
Happy St George's Day. We are flying the Cross of St George at both Borough Hall and the Old Town hall today to celebrate England's national day.
Bedford Borough Council is holding two virtual meetings to hear views from residents and businesses on what they wish to see in the Council's response to the current East West Rail Company consultation.
There is an interesting and useful article about the potential impacts of the East West Railway Company's proposals on the Poets area of Bedford at https://bedfordrail.wordpress.com/2021/04/21/ewr-2021-consultation-plans-for-the-poets In the Council's previous responses to the East West Rail Company we based our views on a four-track line which would not have put these homes at risk. We will make the case for improving the existing four track railway north out of Bedford rather than adding the additional tracks during this consultation. We have already asked for technical work to be done on a four track railway, as well as to challenge the East West Rail Company on the amount of land they indicate they require.