Prioritising skills, jobs and growth for Bedford Borough
As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic Mayor Dave Hodgson has made improving skills, creating jobs and promoting growth priorities in Bedford Borough.
As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic Mayor Dave Hodgson has made improving skills, creating jobs and promoting growth priorities in Bedford Borough.
Bedford Borough Council, in partnership with Central Bedfordshire and Luton Councils has launched Solar Together Bedfordshire, a scheme to encourage residents to come together to invest in renewables through a group-buying scheme for solar panels and battery storage.
Starting on Saturday 18 June, Bedford Borough Council is restarting its Rural Bulky Waste collections for this summer.
Bedford Borough did Her Majesty the Queen proud with so many events celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.
Bedford Borough Council have awarded Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum £100,000 through the Mayor's Youth Empowerment Fund, to help build an inclusive and fully accessible outdoor area of play within the existing Russell Park play area.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has lit the in Bedford.