Recycle your Christmas Tree
After the Christmas celebrations are over and all the decorations are down don't forget to recycle your real Christmas tree.
After the Christmas celebrations are over and all the decorations are down don't forget to recycle your real Christmas tree.
Bedford Borough Council has automatically issued over £964,000 in support grants to 648 local businesses that have had to close during this period of national restrictions.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have welcomed the Council's proposed policy on Sky Lantern releases, which bans them from, over and on Council land and premises. It also confirms that any releases are considered potential littering and may be met with enforcement action.
Bedford Borough Council have announced that they are investing an addition £1m into the Roads and Pavements capital budget for 2021/22.
The latest weekly coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
With COVID-19 infection rates increasing and national restrictions in place to reduce the spread of the virus sadly there won't be a big Christmas Light switch-on event this year. However, Christmas lights will still be in place across Bedford Town Centre bringing festive illuminations from today, 16 November.