Over 1250 items Donated to ‘Active Minds’
Bedford Borough Council picked up 153 boxes of donations from people across Bedford Borough, containing over 1250 items, as the first full week of the Active Minds scheme came to a close.
Bedford Borough Council picked up 153 boxes of donations from people across Bedford Borough, containing over 1250 items, as the first full week of the Active Minds scheme came to a close.
Bedford Borough Council last night held the first meeting in its 854-year history which did not take place in person, as the Annual Meeting of the Council happened online.
Every day 55,000 foster families across the UK are giving 65,000 fostered children and young people a loving, secure and stable home, and this commitment from foster families is ongoing during the coronavirus outbreak.
Mayor Dave's advice surgeries are going online. If you have a query or an issue you'd like to raise with Dave email him on daveshodgson@yahoo.co.uk to book at 10minute Zoom surgery during one of these times:
Bedford Borough Council have opened a green waste drop-off facility at the Oasis Swimming Pool car park off Cardington Road.
Bedford Borough Council is urging families to check if their children are eligible for free school meals as the coronavirus crisis creates more hardship across the Borough.