WATCH - Mayor Dave on the Return of Green Waste Collections
Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a short video message on the return of Green Waste collections from Monday 27th April.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a short video message on the return of Green Waste collections from Monday 27th April.
Despite the coronavirus pandemic presenting huge challenges for businesses, firms across Bedford Borough are stepping up in a wide variety of ways in support of the local and national effort to tackle the virus, protect the NHS and keep people safe.
Today is Earth Day, and on the 50th anniversary of this global event Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are joining the call for us all to take action to protect our planet.
Bedford Borough Council is restarting green waste collections from Monday 27 April. Residents must check when their next garden waste collection will be by visiting www.bedford.gov.uk/bins.
Resurfacing of a key route in Bedford is to commence this month after Bedford Borough Council and contractors worked successfully to reduce road closure requirements and to meet government coronavirus working guidelines.
The BBC has today launched Bitesize Daily, its biggest ever education offer, featuring 14 weeks of free curriculum-based learning for children across the UK.