Bees Needs Week
Bees' Needs Week is a week long campaign from 8-14 July to help raise awareness of bees and other pollinators.
Bees' Needs Week is a week long campaign from 8-14 July to help raise awareness of bees and other pollinators.
Bedford Borough Libraries are calling for children to sign up to read library books this summer as part of Space Chase Summer Reading Challenge 2019.
Responding to this year's Chief Inspector of Prisons' annual report, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Crime and Police Spokesperson Councillor Hilde Hendrickx said "This report is utterly damning of the Conservatives' neglect of our prisons. With prisons so badly overcrowded and in such an appalling state, prisoners are not being properly rehabilitated. That means more reoffending and more people becoming victims of crime.
In his July column for the Bedford Borough Bulletin and Kempston Calling, Mayor Dave Hodgson has written about the disruption caused by Network Rail's closure of Bromham Road Bridge. He notes how it's even harder to stomach because of the downgraded rail service Bedford is set to have following the Government's decision to remove it from the intercity rail network.
Bedford Borough Libraries are calling for children to sign up to read library books this summer as part of Space Chase Summer Reading Challenge 2019.
Highways England are carrying out a public consultation on plans to improve travel between Milton Keynes and Cambridge, proposing a new 10 mile dual carriageway between the Black Cat and Caxton Gibbet roundabouts.