Number 13 is New Home for ‘Made in Bedford’
The Council's 'Number 13' building on St Paul's Square is the new home for 'Made in Bedford' in Bedford's town centre.
The Council's 'Number 13' building on St Paul's Square is the new home for 'Made in Bedford' in Bedford's town centre.
Responding to the news that landlords will lose the right to evict renters without a reason at the end of their fixed-term tenancy, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Housing Spokesperson Dean Crofts said "The housing crisis has left many renters at the mercy of their landlords in an unfair and distorted rental market. Section 21 notices have allowed landlords to turf out tenants without reason, leaving many too frightened to complain about poor conditions."
Mayor Dave Hodgson will be appearing at the final mayoral election hustings later this week, at Bedford Blues Rugby Club on Goldington Road on Thursday 18th April.
In his latest regular email, Mayor Dave Hodgson has looked back at his record on protecting our local and wider environment, which includes halving Council carbon emissions thanks to a range of bold and effective action. He also looked ahead and his target of zero carbon by 2030 and his commitment to measures including scrapping all single-use plastics from across the Council, and installing 300 new electric vehicle charging points at 150 sites
The Sunday Times has featured Bedford in its 'Best Places to Live' supplement, naming it in the top three places to live in the East of England. In a write-up full of resounding praise for the town and the surrounding area, it states that Bedford offers 'a great family-friendly lifestyle and first-class transport links.'
In his latest monthly column for the Bedford Independent, Mayor Dave Hodgson has written of the benefits of his plans for the Prebend Street Relief Road and other schemes in tackling congestion and improving quality of life for local residents.