Paddy Ashdown
Commenting on the sad news last night of the death of former Liberal Democrat leader and former Bedford School boy Paddy Ashdown, Mayor Dave Hodgson said:
Commenting on the sad news last night of the death of former Liberal Democrat leader and former Bedford School boy Paddy Ashdown, Mayor Dave Hodgson said:
For an afternoon or evening out for all the family, why not go to the Pantomime Aladdin at the Corn Exchange. It runs from Saturday 22nd December to Tuesday 1st January, 2pm and 6pm matinees available.
Mayor Dave Hodgson and Bedford Borough Council have acted swiftly to protect local bus users from Stagecoach cuts described by Mayor Dave as 'unacceptable'.
Responding to Government figures that nearly 600 homeless people died on the streets last year, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Homelessness Spokesperson Tim Caswell said "These deaths are absolutely tragic. As a wealthy country, we simply cannot accept people dying on our streets."
Eleven schools in Bedford Borough took part in the Sustrans' Santa Challenge with children walking, cycling or scooting to school, building up miles towards an imaginary journey all the way to Lapland to meet Santa Claus.
With the Christmas and New Year bank holidays coming up, there will be a few changes to bin collections.