Sports Awards 2018
The Bedford Sports Awards has become a key date in the local sporting calendar, with athletes, coaches and clubs all gathered to celebrate the dedication, hard work and successes over the year.
The Bedford Sports Awards has become a key date in the local sporting calendar, with athletes, coaches and clubs all gathered to celebrate the dedication, hard work and successes over the year.
In a huge boost for local schools, Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced a victory for the campaign against the shock government funding cut for Bedford Borough's schools. Extra funding has been secured from the Department for Education, which will maintain the per-pupil funding rate for Bedford Borough's Schools for 2019/20.
The Council wants to know what local residents think about its proposed 'Capital Programme'. This sets out how the Council invests money on schemes and projects to improve Bedford Borough.
The latest timetable changes are now available for both East Midlands Trains and Thameslink.
After pressure from Liberal Democrat Peers, the Government have announced major concessions on the Tenant Fees Bill.
In a scathing report on the notorious May 2018 rail timetable changes which caused huge disruption to Bedford services, the House of Commons Transport Select Committee has called for commuters' to have their 2019 season tickets frozen at 2018 prices.