99.8% Secured Their First Preference School
The DfE have confirmed Bedford Borough school admission success for 2014. The proportion of applicants who were offered a place at their highest preference Middle/Upper/Secondary school is 98.8%.
The DfE have confirmed Bedford Borough school admission success for 2014. The proportion of applicants who were offered a place at their highest preference Middle/Upper/Secondary school is 98.8%.
Restoration work on two more Bedford High Street properties has started on site under the heritage-based regeneration programme which is delivering £4.5 million of investment into the High Street area. No.'s 99 and 101, towards the northern end of the High Street, are being restored together, and follow a string of succesful restoration and regeneration works on and around the High Street. These include the dramatic transformation of the 'Coffee With Art' building, and the ongoing work to bring the fifteenth century 1-4 St Paul's buildings back into use after forty years standing derelict in one of Bedford town centre's most prominent locations.
A Bedford Borough Council project to replace all street lights with low energy, low cost, high quality units by 2018 has won £5.3 million in government funding. The Council's invest-to-save project beat off competition from around the country to become one of only 28 successful bidders to the Department for Transport's Highway's Maintenance Challenge Fund, out of well over 100 applicants.
In his latest monthly column for the Times and Citizen, Mayor Dave Hodgson has written of how, with just days to go until the opening of the bus station on March 29th, the new facility will bring to an end a period lasting almost as long as he can remember during which Bedford Bus Station was widely recognised as a blot which let the town down. He also remarks on the construction of the final section of the Bedford Western Bypass, another common topic of conversation over the years locally which is now becoming a reality.
Work to improve the pavements along Bedford High Street got underway this week as part of the additional £1million investment announced by Mayor Dave Hodgson to improve and repair footways across Bedford Borough.
Bedford's new bus station is on track to open on the 29th March 2015 as final preparations are made to launch the new transport centre.