McHugh Comments on Hospital Trust Star Rating
Commenting on the zero star rating for Bedford Hospital Trust, Lib Dem Mayoral Candidate Christine McHugh said:
Commenting on the zero star rating for Bedford Hospital Trust, Lib Dem Mayoral Candidate Christine McHugh said:
Lib Dems on the Borough council will tonight (Wednesday 24 July) attack plans to spend £54,000 on oak panelling for a new tourist Information centre.
Following a petition raised earlier this year by members of the Lib Dem group, last nights Corporate and Resources Policy Review and Development Committee meeting saw funding released from a number of Council reserves. In total over £500,000 was freed up from reserves targeted by the Lib Dems. The Lib Dem proposals now seek to use this funding for an increase in frontline services.
Tories on Bedford Borough Council have refused to support their party leader over calls to increase power to local communities.
Elderly people in Bedfordshire and their families will be annoyed to learn this week that they are effectively being treated like third class citizens when it comes to paying for care.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have chosen Christine McHugh to fight the Mayoral Election in October.